2018.09 – 至今 济宁医学院,教师
2012.09 – 2018.07 大连理工大学,生物化工专业, 博士
2008.09 – 2012.07 山东第一医科大学,生物技术专业,学士
1.山东省自然科学基金面上项目(ZR2023MH345): 壁虎抗氧化肽 Gj-CATH3 纳米载药体系的构建及抗皮肤光老化作用研究(在研),2024.1-2026.12。
2.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31900328): 药用壁虎免疫调节肽Gj-CATH5抗耐药菌感染的机制研究(结题), 2020.1-2022.12。
Shasha Cai*(第一及通讯作者), Peng Liu, Shuo Liu, Xianting Cao, Jun Peng, Kai Meng *, Yangcui Qu*. Characterization and functional analysis of three novel liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP-2) in Glyptothorax zanaensis [J]. Aquaculture Reports. 2023, 28: 101455. (中科院二区,IF=3.2)
Shasha Cai*(第一及通讯作者), Kai Meng, Peng Liu, Xianting Cao, Guannan Wang*. Suppressive effects of gecko cathelicidin on biofilm formation and cariogenic virulence factors of Streptococcus mutans [J]. Archives of Oral Biology. 2021, 129: 105205. (中科院四区,IF=2.64)
Shasha Cai*(第一及通讯作者), Changao Lu, Zhenlei Liu, Wenbo Wang, Shuxin Lu, Zhaoxing Sun, Guannan Wang*. Derivatives of gecko cathelicidin-related antioxidant peptide facilitate skin wound healing [J]. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2021, 890: 173649. (中科院三区,IF=5.195)
Nannan Shi, Shasha Cai(并列一作), Jiuxiang Gao, Xue Qiao, Huaixin Yang, Yipeng Wang*, Haining Yu*. Roles of polymorphic cathelicidins in innate immunity of soft-shell turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis [J]. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2019, 92:179-192. (中科院二区,IF=3.192)
Shasha Cai(第一作者), Xue Qiao#, Lan Feng, Nannan Shi, Hui Wang, Huaixin Yang, Zhilai Guo, Mengke Wang, Chen Yan, Yipeng Wang*, Haining Yu*. Python cathelicidin CATHPb1 protects against multidrug-resistant Staphylococcal infections by antimicrobial-immunomodulatory duality [J]. Journal of Medical Chemistry, 2018, 61: 2075-2086. (中科院一区,IF=6.054)
Yan Chen, Shasha Cai(并列一作), Xue Qiao, Mali Wu, Zhilai Guo, Renping Wang, YiQun Kuang, Haining Yu*, Yipeng Wang*. As-CATH1-6, novel cathelicidins with potent antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties from Alligator sinensis, play pivotal roles in host antimicrobial immune responses. Biochemical Journal. 2017, 474(16):2861-2885. (中科院三区,IF:3.797)
Haining Yu*, Shasha Cai, Jiuxiang Gao, Chen Wang, Xue Qiao, Hui Wang, Lan Feng, Yipeng Wang*. EST Analysis, Identification of Anseriformes Trypsin Genes from Full-length cDNA Library of the Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) and Structure & Function Characterizations. Biochemistry (Moscow). 2016, 81: 152-162. (中科院四区,IF:1.303)
Haining Yu*, Shasha Cai, Jiuxiang Gao, Songyan Zhang, Yiling Lu, Xue Qiao, Hailong Yang, Yipeng Wang*. Identification and polymorphism discovery of the cathelicidins, Lf-CATHs in ranid amphibian (Limnonectes fragilis). Febs Journal. 2013, 280(23):6022-6032. (中科院二区,IF:4.25)
汪文博,王冠男,蔡莎莎*(通讯作者). 抗菌肽的抗生物膜机理研究进展[J].生物工程学报. 2020, 36(7):1277-1282.
王运娇,吕梦,蔡莎莎*(通讯作者). 扎那纹胸鮡g型溶菌酶的cDNA克隆及组织表达分析[J]. 安徽医科大学学报. 2023, 58(5):711-717.